Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Merging blue eyes and green eyes, we get both eyes! haha. Its so darn cute.

Life's getting kinda boring again, with work getting monotonous. Its basically the same thing over and over again. I think welding side sees more action rather than steelwork, or maybe its because at the ship, they cant really divulge much of the company's stuff and information allowed is minimal. Nevertheless, i think D1 is gonna be the ship i'm attached to for the remaining 2 months. Learn all that i can!

Woots! here comes the rain. like a tom to his jerry, like calvin to his hobbes; the rain is my long lost friend always there to make my mood more depressing. On the plus side, the fan stopped making the squeaking noises so i can leave it on for tonight. Its a short night before the start of another day at work, but heh, whats new?

How do you fix something that isn't broken yet it is, something that is not there but exists? Because it seems the more you bother about it, the worse it becomes and if you do not, it just fades away along with everything else which isn't exactly what you want too.

Lines that are crossed cannot be uncrossed and even if u head back, it isn't the same. My mum used to use this analogy about watching what i say. When u speak, its like releasing a feather on top of the mountain, once u let it go/out, it will be gone with the wind. I always thought it was true, then as i grew older i thought about it and told myself, what if the fucking wind blows it back to you? I never understood what it meant when the feather returns, but a sudden epiphany told me, 'it means that the words you say come right smacking into your bloody face.

So i hate just shooting off without thought and i respect others who do the same. But there are times when even with long hours of thought, the fucking feather not only flies back, it gets frozen and smacks u, HARD! and you get knocked off the mountain and sent tumbling down into the abyss for some self-reflection.

Hope everything will turn out fine, thats what i said to someone recently but somehow when u tell yourself that, it isn't as reassuring. haha. woot lightning! ha. so random.

Not too close and not too distant. But where is the in between?

Balance. Is it really the key to everything?

Food for thought.

In the end, all thats needed is a good night's sleep.

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