"You haven't lived through a fire. You don't know what happens. Sometimes in a fire the insurance company burns down too. Then what can you do?"
Often we take the words of the wise and try to live by them. Yet the truth is, those are their experiences and not ours, something that we can never know for sure, something that is just not personal enough. For the skeptics, they can never understand those words until it comes to past; for the repressed skeptics, as many of us are, they accept the them but still never truly believe in them. For the ignorant, mostly children, they take it to be the norm, never questioning it once and often are coerced into submission till they grow up to start questioning the authenticity of those words and finally branch off into the other groups. For the believers (sorry for the lack of a better word), they take it on face-value and never once question if those are really words of the wise or the chatter of fools; they may succumb to disbelief occasionally but eventually choose to keep the faith with a tinge of common sense. For the fanatics, there leaves little to be said.
I have much respect for people who believe in things, words that cannot be substantiated at any given point in time. Be it an omnipresent sentient being that is practically non existent or the belief of one's future/accomplishments yet achieved, or the hope in a relationship that can head towards any direction. It is that belief that empowers them, and somehow even if it does not come to past, somehow it feels like it was not just for nothing.
"The only person who didn't say something was Lefty, because in all the confusion he couldn't find his chalkboard."
Its funny how the speech is faster than thought. We are all eager to say something but when you think it through, there was no need for it. We all need a chalkboard; maybe when we struggle to find it, we will realize there was no need for it in the first place. Yes, silence can be engaging too; just look and listen.