Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"you'll do the honest thing. You'll lie."

It funny how things supersede each other, where one's damage can be overruled by another. Does it make the former any less wrong? But we tend to overlook it anyway. And of course this has to got to do with work.

It is just preposterous that u can inform him in the morning about something, send a confirmation sms, inform him once again in the afternoon and he still does it wrong and claims that u did not inform him at all, before blabbering other nonsense. The curious thing is, yes i was furious but instead of flaring up i was actually more worried about the situation because it was a critical job, thinking of ways to rectify the problem. I just cannot be bothered with getting angry.

it does no help anyway.

"everybody lies"

Perception of physical traits is unreliable. A piece of wax, melted and distorted is still the same piece of wax. Our senses may deceive us. Reason is the only method of discovering fact.

Not to be discounted is the duality of body and mind. An entity can be said to be both “like this” and “like that” without giving up its intrinsic “like this-ness.”

"People don't change just because they wish they could."

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