Saturday, August 18, 2012

Was it his moral responsibility to do it? to save the 1100 Jews? Sadly, its not. But not everything is based on moral responsibility, no? Some things are just meant to be done, not because of need, but rather it is just the right thing to do? Then again what is right or wrong, who is the judge?

but why go into all that? why would he ponder over how many more he could have saved, why ponder about the philosophy behind his actions?

Just accept that a wonderful deed is done. Because to the Schindler Jews, that is all there is to it, they are alive because of this one man.

So screw it. I shall go to bed, reminded that, "Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire."

Visions of grandeur? Maybe. But to me it just means that every single life is important.

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