Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"If I am to die, at least I shall die amongst brothers." - Gannicus

Brotherhood goes beyond just words, because words though strong cannot deflect the venomous blades that life dishes out. A true bro fights by your side, even when outnumbered, they will not abandon you. Cherishing victory together, sharing the pain of defeats; because joy is doubled when shared and grief is halved when taken upon two shoulders instead of one.

Just like how Jenko took a bullet for Schimdt in 21 Jump Street,

how Varro died so Spartacus can live,

or even how Scofield used himself to connect the wires that led to Sarah and Lincoln's escape.

The over-hype about brotherhood in movies and shows tend to sensationalize it to be something with regards to life and death but in actual fact it can be as simple as a mere extended hand to a fallen comrade. Because bonds forged can be binding not by mere ties of friendship but strings of heart; held taut by the experiences shared together.

The deepest of bonds in a brotherhood reach so deep that even innocent betrayal of trust that stings like salt upon wound can be uplifted and forgotten, albeit after much struggle and confrontation. But the roots of the bond lie deeply etched into soul. Such bros are thus said to be tethered to each other.

To end off,

"sometime wine and foolishness are needed, to forge stronger bonds." - Mira

Maybe the green fairy can help me find my true brother.

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