Saturday, July 28, 2012

Goodbye little brown cat, it was nice to meet you again after 2 years. Though on most days I cannot find you, but on the days i do, you brighten my day a little to make it bearable.

The awesome Lib Sun team! Right to left, Ramesh, me, Uncle Ong, Rasu and Maran


My wonderful mentors in the welding section who taught me so much in such a short period of time, Seow Huat and Zay.

It has been an interesting 3 months at the shipyard and definitely a very tiring internship. the early mornings and late overtime nights. It finally concluded with smiles, handshakes and pats on the back. Its funny to see the hierarchy of the entire system and understand how they think about the company.

Of course bias-ness aside, you can clearly see a distinct gap in their mindsets. With the higher management encouraging me to stay and the workers telling me to run as far as i possibly can. But I still have 2 years to go and Europe before that, so i do not think i will rush into any decision just yet; this to me is just an experience, something for me to look back upon to think about and also to see what kind of life would be like in the marine industry.

They say to not dwell too long in your thoughts; to plan meticulously, to play out all possible moves, to try and foresee what will happen because that opportunity might just pass you by. Opportunity comes in different shapes and sizes, business deals, job offers, someone special, a rare and suspicious deal; but how do we make sound judgement? There is no guarantee at all! No, foresight does not cut it. 

Maybe there is no sound judgement. It is just how you play your cards as the situation plays out. Looking back in hindsight, you observe and learn what could be different, yet with different decisions you can never know where those will lead too.

Nonetheless, its still fun to ponder. Its a world where nothing can be made into something and possibilities are everything. But never let the lines between reality and virtual be blurred. 

"So is there any chance, that you, might, kind of, sort of,.. you know,.. like me, or..?"

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