Monday, July 9, 2012

There is a need to dull the throbbing in my head, the incessant chatter. To drown the voices and all that remains will be a blanket of silence.

Work is getting on my nerves. I cant believe the miserable peanuts they pay me for the job they expect me to do.

No whining, you bitch. Ok.

The experience and exposure i have received thus far i am grateful for. Engaged in a tussle between project managers, owners and engineers; it was exhilarating so to speak. It is intriguing how people demand for things and how others try to appease while others try to blend with the wall. Hidden within the facade of professionalism, you can see how different races, nationalities inevitably will exist tension and irrevocable disdain for each other. The color of your skin holds much power in affecting people's viewpoint towards you.

Yup and that concludes my thoughts on work. the past 9 weeks shuffling between hiding in the back office container, walking countless of times to and fro from west to east yard, climbing D1 just to get a signature or attend VSCC meetings, to going to the blast-tech to appease the ever angst Naresh, finding Ng2 to hear him banter on about his hatred for pinoys, and slaving away as a QC, admin boy and supervisor.

3 weeks left.

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