Saturday, June 16, 2012

Random thought at work: Don't keep piling shit on someone because the time will come when enough shit has been accumulated and he will start flailing it around.

Started planning for my SEP trip, or rather we started on our itinerary for the trip before the start of our semester. We are starting off in Spain! woot! There are just so many many places to visit but because of the lack of time and money, we will not be able to experience all the things that we want to.

I will definitely visit Granada one day and stay in Paradores.

Life is a glimpse of eternity, just as a droplet in the rain.
What is yet to come, The mysterious unknown.
It scares us, but also pushes us to live life as we do.
Because what is waiting for us on the other side?
How do we not know it is just a repetition of what is going on now?
One day we will all find out. But in the meanwhile, we are still here.
Entombed in this human flesh with both mind and spirit.
Constrained by the laws of the universe, subjected to a brutal society which places accolades above all else and where adventures are appreciated in awe but rarely taken up upon.

Actually what i really seek for is serenity.

One offered by calming winds of nature, away from the hustle and bustle that robs us of our senses.

To see, taste, touch, smell and hear as we are supposed to.

Its a pity we have to run away from ourselves, our circumstances, our thoughts, our life to, ironically, find life.

This deep-seeded desire for more and the constant belief that the grass is always greener on the other side. Or should we be satisfied and settle? A question that cannot be answered, only to be lived out and for us to decide at the end of our life, was it worth it?

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